The Shaggy Man of Oz: Empty-Grave Retrofit Edition comes out this week. It should hit in all eBook and print formats roughly mid-week. Due to a great question on the Facebook page, we will also be releasing hardcover versions of these Oz books. The hardcover version of The Silver Princess in Oz is already available and this book will be available in hardcover this week as well.
This book also includes the 60-page illustrated novella Ruprecht the Castaway King–written by Adam Nicolai and illustrated by Ardian Hoda.
The Retrofit of The Magical Mimics in Oz will be out in late April or early May and it will include an original short story or novella as well. In May we will also be releasing a compilation of just the three Nicolai stories.
Oh, and Nicolai’s top secret Oz novel finally has a name: Asper and the Unheard Heroes in Oz.