In my hunt for the perfect pen I recently tested the Zebra Jimnie Gel Rollerball (Medium Black). It soundly trounced my previous favorite–the Pilot G-2 (10 Black). My primary complaints about the G-2 were the drying time and pooling at the starting and stopping points.
The Zebra Jimnie had excellent drying times and when smearing occurred it was light compared to the Pilot G-2. The Jimnie lines were crisp and smooth. The G-2 put down more ink but the thicker, darker lines were not as smooth due to light bleeding at the edges. Pooling points were considerably better with the Jimnie as well. The G-2 strokes feel “smoother” but I prefer a bit of the paper texture coming through as I write; the G-2 feels like I am writing through a thin layer of oil.
The prices are usually the same with both the Jimni and G-2 at $17.00/dozen, although at the time this article was written the G-2 was on sale for $10/dozen (through 04/07/12).
Verdict: The Zebra Jimnie Gel Rollerball (Medium Black) is the best pen I have ever written with. It blows my previous favorite, the Pilot G-2, out of the water.
Comparison of Smearing and Drying Times
- $17.dozen